Hey, that makes it even better than you left. Fresh start, right? You’ve got no need for that old drama! Enjoy your life on Newgrounds rather than hanging on to your past on Scratch!
A chaotic chibi who likes to make silly memes and cursed vector art. >:3
Status: Grinding
Age 18, Male (He/Him)
Content Creator
The United States
Joined on 6/18/21
Hey, that makes it even better than you left. Fresh start, right? You’ve got no need for that old drama! Enjoy your life on Newgrounds rather than hanging on to your past on Scratch!
Aaaaaaah Thank you so much for saying that! If only you said it sooner so I never came back with the -FrXzen_Animat0r- account. Had that been the case, by now I would've had way better recognition. But I appreciate the wise words nonetheless. <3
@FrostPen Yeah! Well, you can’t change what you’ve attempted in the past, but you can certainly work on making better choices in the present! Go forth and meet some more people in the NG community! Read up on our mythology (if you could call it that lol)
Ay, Arnold, TAKE NOTES