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The Animators of 2020 are NOT cringe!

Posted by RaymationStudios - June 24th, 2022

So, I just got back from an IRL conversation with my little brother about him thinking the new wave of animators in the 2020 era of the internet that create animations with OCs and stuff like that which can sometimes be lewd or have bait thumbnails and titles are cringe. Now personally, I adore these animators and aspire to be just like them, but I have a history with people who hate on these types of animators for no valid reason reason and go out of their way to call them cringe or blatantly insult the content they make. I've seen a few over on YouTube and I have really done a great job embarrassing those people and exposing how baseless and stupid they look. But that's not the point, the point is that these animators have great reason to be commendable for what they do and I am simply here on behalf those to express why they shouldn't openly be called cringe and instead should openly be loved and acknowledged.

1: They may be lewd and that's okay.

A common implied reasoning I see for the disapproval of these animators is the lewd content they can make that tends to be packed with innuendos and made with the sole purpose of arousing those who watch it. My point is, what the actual hell is wrong with that? Sure, I can understand and slightly agree with the clickbait thumbnails and titles but if the animation does have a sexual theme to it the title and thumbnails are completely justified. There also isn't a proper reason to call out an animation for being sexualized unless: It depicts a minor being sexualized or it sexualizes someone else's character without permission. Unless it falls into one of those two categories then any argument against sexualized animations of this nature are weak and invalid because: They don't typically have a logical or fair reasoning behind the criticism, the criticism is done out of discontent with the animation, (Don't like it? Don't watch it. Simple as that.) The criticism is from a minor who shouldn't be watching the animation in the first place and are actually the ones at fault there. Listen guys, to me, the purpose of art and animation is to express yourself and what you like. It's a beautiful way to show people who you are and what type of personality you may have. And here in the United States, the first amendment litteraly gives us the freedom to express ourselves in ways that aren't criminal activity. If we want express ourselves by depicting sex or softcore porn in our art and animations we have every single right to do just that and anyone who can't respect that should just leave for their sake and for ours. Sex is a natural part of life guys. If you're really out here hating on such a concept, I feel sorry for you as a human being.

2: The characters are actually really cool

I haven't seen anyone hate on their characters but since my brother does it's safe to assume countless others do as well. For your information, the characters are actually for the most part, designed quite well. As a significantly experienced story writer with many characters and stories myself, I find these characters well written for what their settings and themes appear to be. We have characters like an edgy chill emo guy, or an innocent and friendly young girl, or a demon with extremely perverted desires. Wether or not you like them these are all well written characters and the reason why they are well written is: They have an intersting personality and story that keeps us invested, they experience conflict and are vividly shown not being perfect making them seem human and not mary/gary sues, they have appealing physical traits and appearances whether it looks colorful, dark, sexy, cute, if it's appealing in any type of way it's a well designed character, the characters motives and actions can be relatable to us as human beings in which case we are understanding and receiving a moral or a message, if that happens, that is a clear indication of not just a well written character but a well written story. I'd like to see you haters come up with a character or story that is just as interesting. If you don't know how story or character writing works, sit your ass back down in the corner and watch. Maybe then you'd finally learn something.

3: Art and especially Animation is not as easy as they make it look

I am an animator and an artist. (I have no animations here or on YouTube so if you want proof, go to my scratch and watch the animations I made there. My account is called -FrXzen_Animat0r-. Quick F.Y.I, I'm no longer active there.) So I sure as hell know the pain of drawing and animating especially. For animation, I haven't done any hand drawn styled animation that wasn't stick figure related and the only time I didn't use stick figures I animated my characters with 2D models that had moving parts like the limbs and clothes and etcetera, which is widely accepted as a simple form of animation. I animate using the straight ahead method so animating effects and things that aren't characters are something I've always been more special at. Right now I seek to learn full body animation but I'm trying to better my art first before I do that so that I have a better foundation. In terms of art, I am learning, due to life situations I don't get much opportunity to practice but I've gotten quite good even though I've working very hard and have failed many times. I say all of this to signify. I'm an animator/artist, but I'm still learning. I'm not at the level of any of the people i'm inspired by yet. But in a few years I can totally see myself surpassing them. So given what I said, imagine how long they had to grind to get to where they are. Back on scratch I was known to be one of the best animators in the community I was in and I'm still grinding and learning in any way I can. And I've been pouring my heart and soul in to every drawing I made until I finally started to get some visible results. It also takes me DAYS to finish one drawing. (Mostly due to the frequent breaks I take however.) The biggest animation I ever made took a month and about 3 weeks and I actually lost a lot of progress for it due to a save getting corrupted but I still had the dedication to complete it before it's deadline to. These are the difficult experiences I've had as an artist and an animator so I can only imagine what the big leagues go through to get some of their stuff out. However, I promise I'm not trying to be cheesy, but the beautiful thing about us is that we understand how worth it it is in the end and we won't give up until we've finished our goal. Gildedguy, a hyuns dojo animator, most of his stuff takes 9 damn months! That's how long it takes for a baby to be born! And the final episode of Glitchtale litteraly took an entire year with a team of animators! If it was independent, can you imagine how much longer it would take? My point is, you don't know how disrespectful you are being by openly hating this work and content. Try some of this for yourself and then maybe you can give useful constructive criticism, but I won't forgive anybody who openly calls stuff like that cringe as if it's just pointless trash. Those poor people just don't realize how proven wrong they are time and time again.

4: At the end of the day, they are also human

Now let's not forget the most important point. On the internet, your reputation seems to be everything wether you care or not. It's easy to forget we are dealing with another human being when communicating with people through the internet. I'll bet the way one acts online is not always exactly the same as in IRL. So please be your IRL self on the internet. You wouldn't actually call someone garbage just because you didn't like them in real life now would you? Surely in real life, you're actually a lot kinder than what you may look like on the internet. Remember that these are people, they are people who are making the most of what they love to do, people who are using what should be a hobby as a career in order to make money, people who could be shy IRL but not online, people who probably feel more safe virtually than in reality. I obviously can't speak for anyone who isn't me. But I know from experience, and have seen digital artists and animators who are in situations like this and don't need hate, they need support. They need the support that they never got IRL. Remember, we are all humans, and as humans we are all supposed to be allies and friends not enemies. Making the internet a more fun and safer place could be a step toward making the world we live in a better place. All it takes is just one kind little act so for a change, quit being a hateful scumbag and say something nice that you do like. Unless you want karma to return the misery you speak upon others to you.


To conclude, I think people who hate these new 2020 era animators fail to realize that they are litteraly defining another era of internet culture right now that I am more than happy to be a part of. What they make is beautiful in its own way, it's interesting, and it does a damn good job keeping us happy during these troubling times and is a great way for people to express who they are and what they like. And the reasoning behind disliking this is almost never valid or understandable. If you dislike something at least have a good reason. You can't just hate something just because you hate it and if you do then never express that to anyone! Somethings must be kept in your head so if you have nothing kind to say, refrain from talking as no one wants to hear it. At the end of the day, we all have opinions. We all can like and dislike different things but it doesn't mean we need to hate eachother for it. All you have to do is be respectful and kind even though you disagree with the other person. It is litteraly that easy. Is that really too much for humans to understand? Legitimate question guys.



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