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Don't Admire LGBTQ+ People Just Because They're LGBTQ+

Posted by RaymationStudios - July 19th, 2022


The following isn't being said to spite LGBTQ+ folks. I believe that unless anyone is hurting others in any way all humans should have absolute tolerance and respect for each other and who they are. My intention here is to share a personal opinion regarding others' viewpoint on the LGBTQ+ community. As a human being I have every right to state my opinion just as you have every right to disagree with my opinion. However if you disagree please refrain from hateful comments. I don't care who you think you are, I will not hesitate to flag your comment. If you wish to contradict any of the points I make please make sure you do it respectfully. I will be more than willing to listen and be open to the perspectives of others

Ok, now that I put that disclaimer there so I'm not cancelled over this. I'd like to share an observation I've noticed regarding how people view the LGBTQ+ community and share a short commentary of my personal opinion on it. For those who do not know, the LGBTQ+ (Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Queer and more) is a community of genderfluid individuals who have been scrutinized by society until recently because these genderfluid concepts go against societal and social norms and humans naturally fear stuff like this. This is where the term homophobia comes from and is used to describe anyone who expresses hatred or disapproval of the LGBTQ. I'm going to make myself very clear and say this is wrong. Being part of the LGBTQ+ isn't bad, it just means you're different. You're still human at the end of the day. Homophobia is no different from racism and though I am a straight male. I am proud to identify myself as a straight ally who will stand for and protect all members of the LGBTQ+ community. Now, overtime. Humans have become more tolerant and have had a better understanding of good and bad morals. They've also been able to understand the LGBTQ+ community better and the acceptance they now have is beautiful. Though I've noticed something that has always left me confused and left me wondering how it's going to impact our world long term.

Why are members of the LGBTQ+ community looked up to and seen as amazing legendary people just by being LGBTQ+ no disrespect of course but I find it hilariously annoying. That's like thinking someone is awesome merely because they have a blue shirt. I'm not trying to be a buzzkill but the way I see it, characteristics and personality aren't what defines us as people, it's our actions and habits. To put it bluntly, I personally couldn't care less if you gay, lesbian, bi, not even LGBTQ, I don't care if your black, muslim, or if you have a piss fetish or anything about you. The only way for me to see you as a cool respectable person, is if you're actually a good person, simple as that. The moment someone comes out as lesbian or bi or even asexual like Jaiden Animations recently did. People are like "Ayo! That's sick! You're such an amazing person for being brave enough to do this!" And I can totally get the bravery aspect but personally my reaction would be. "mhm, neat." It's not really impressive to me. Being a good person is what's impressive to me. I share this opinion because while I in no way disapprove or spite the LGBTQ+ community. I want to spread awareness that you shouldn't hold people up on pedestals based on their classifications. That LGBTQ+ member could be a total bitch and a half. Lemmie give y'all a story time example.

In middle school I was in a really cringe private school where a lot of people thought having a date or something was cool and everyone had to have one. So I was suddenly corrupted with that viewpoint. I ended up getting a girl who admittedly was very cute, but I wouldn't learn until later that she was bi and she was actually cheating on me. She even broke up with me right in front of me for another dude who wasn't remotely attractive, The dude looked like a type 2 alternate from Mandela Catalouge impersonating fat albert. XD And my historically down bad simp ass kept coming back to her everytime she broke up with another guy. We kept dating and breaking up over and over. I was too young to know better, I was 12 and she was 14 at the time so I was the victim being taken advantage of. There was also other girls who randomly declared themselves bi or lesbian just to feel cool but really in terms of how they treat others they were also total pieces of shit. My point is not that LGBTQ members are bound to be pieces of shit. My point is that don't look up to them just because they are, look up to them for who they are as a person, how they treat other people.

And also, stop aspiring to be LGBTQ just to feel cool. It's a common phenomenon that I see all the time. The newfound acceptance of LGBTQ+ is absolutely amazing, but I don't like how kids feel like they need to be a part of it to be cool and people are just accepting that like it's okay. No! Kids shouldn't have to feel like they need to join a certain community or be a certain way just to feel cool, they already should. And parents, and also society as whole, should stop normalizing this phenomenon and give kids more time before really making that decision. As mere children you're too young to make decisions like that, parents need to wait until the child becomes a smarter more mature teen and THAT'S when it should be okay to make that decision. Had this been the norm, I wouldn't be seeing members of the LGBTQ+ community every 15 seconds like they're taking over the world. There's nothing wrong with being LGBTQ+ but I'd really prefer if we at least let kids decide at an older more mature age so that it could be regulated more properly.

Hear me out, you can't change the fact that it takes a boy and a girl to create a newborn, that's a fact not an opinion that people can debate about. If you do a little research, you'll find that the current global birthrate has been falling since the 90s. (In the U.S. specifically, it's been declining since 2007.) you'll also find that the rate of people coming out as part of the LGBTQ+ community has doubled over the past decade. Given the evidence I've collected, I believe I can make the deduction that The rise in the LGBTQ+ community plays a fair role in the decline of humanity's birthrate. There's also other stuff to like, COVID-19 and the global inflation, and also the stress and depression everyone is in right now. But my point is, I believe the parenting method I stated may ultimately become important someday to keep the human population at a satisfactory amount. No one has to listen to that right now because admittedly, you could argue saying it's a bit of an unnecessary stretch. (Even though the evidence would mostly prove otherwise.) But it's an idea I felt was worth mentioning as it was relevant to the topic.


Now I'm going to once again make it very clear so no one can try and twist things in a way to justify attempts to cancel me. (I see y'all, I'm not stupid don't think I don't.) I'm not homophobic, I have nothing against the LGBTQ+ community and my intention were never to hurt or offend anyone, but intention doesn't always equal effect so if I did genuinely offend anyone my deepest apologies. But I have the right as an american citizen to share my viewpoints and tell the world that I think. People shouldn't look up to people because of how they classify themselves, you should do it based on whether or not they are a good person. Don't aspire to be like someone who could actually be an asshole. And also, stop feeling like you need to be in the LGBTQ+ community to be cool and well respected. That's really not cool and I have sympathy for you if you feel that way. Chances are you're an amazing person and you really shouldn't change anything about yourself just for others to like you. You have to be proud of who you are. There is no love like self love. So make sure you have plenty of that. And if by chance a person I'd consider to be a bad person is reading this, well, I believe in change. So just, do better alright? You can be redeemed, don't let the internet tell you otherwise.




@WendigoVDB’s pride thread is a good place to see some people who agree with you, including me with my whole spiel about what pride should be about. We all hear you and understand what you’re saying.

Wow, thanks! I'll be sure to look into that thread. :)

I can see where you're coming from. also nice new pfp. Treat all as equals, don't over glorify one classification just because they are that. I resonate with those words.