
17 Art Reviews w/ Response

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This was a very fun stream to participate in! Everyone was so nice and positive, There was a bunch of amazing fellow artists, everyone found anyone’s jokes funny, and we even didn’t mind taking a shit on the state of america for a bit after the trump shooting. Just overall good vibes all around and a very welcoming atmosphere!

I really hope you consider your own discord server kittyhawk, your community is a very positive one and I would love to be in touch with them more often!

Great work on all the peices! Congrats to all the winners, and to anyone who didn’t win, (like me) there’s always next year and Kittyhawk is still taking commisions if you’re impatient.

But yeah, this was a fun stream and I look forward to next year! Thanks Kittyhawk, Happy birthday once again! <3

KittyhawkMontrose responds:

Yay! I'm so glad you had a good time, because I certainly did because of all of you! Great entries from everyone, and like you said, next time! I love running these events because it's great meeting new people and hanging with regulars. Come on by whenever you can because Montrose is always open! Thank you! 💖

I mean hey, the sun has been lethal this summer. I don't blame her for being thisty af, I'd be thirsty to. 🥵

KittyhawkMontrose responds:

Gotta get in the shade and CHILLLLL~ 😁

That is indeed a red squirrel. :)

Taurmega responds:

No ifs, ands or buts about it.

I appreciate the reference to Ivan The Terrible! There's something funnily appealing about sketches that are lacking in effort. (Also, Hi! Glad to see you again! You remember me Thetageist?)

Thetageist responds:

(I do! I thought you were gone!)

I love classical art memes and I love making shitpost sketches, so there’ll certainly be more where this came from, lol.

Y'know what? The simple shapes and shading are really cool! I wasn't aware that something so simple could actually look really nice!

Great work Theta! :D

Thetageist responds:

Thanks! Those gradients are what really makes or breaks it for the art style, it gives it more depth than just flat polygons. That’s probably the number one lesson I learned from analyzing the style. All the pretty scenery in the various levels mainly comes down to good use of shapes and gradients!

The shading style is very cool! It looks quite a lot like a comic. Tría Aquila has a nifty character design that separates her from the other two characters.

I wonder if this will become an animated series or anything kinda like that. I feel like I may be interested. :D

AnimationsOfArt responds:

Thank you!And yeah,I am inspired by comic shading in that regard!I actually have a comic "series" about her,but it's a slow upload schedule,considering I only have 4 chapters out in the spam of 4 years XD
I'm actually really interested by your "animated series" point-I think I might make an animation version but it'll be some time before I'll do that!Maybe I'll do a test animation some time this month?
Thank you for your review!:D

I wonder how Maris would feel seeing him like this. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Dynomike03 responds:

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I've got a lot of comments about this.

First off, if he went a trillion years without doing the you know what and this is his first time, SHEEESH, it'll be a unimaginably good time lol.

The "underwear" women wear is in fact called "panties". The more you know. :O

Also, it seems you're finally embracing the freedom of Newgrounds, albeit relunctantly. You don't have to be a sus lord like me and the others just to seem cool or anything. We make sus stuff becuase we like sus stuff. It's not mandatory if you're a Newgrounds user. By all means, stick to your family friendly meme stuff if that's what you prefer, Be you man!

Regardless, Maris lookin' kinda fine tho... Believe me I was simultaneously cringing at myself as I typed that. ._.

Dynomike03 responds:

hah, you think THAT was cringe? Check out mid-2021 DynoMike03 content on scratch lmaoooooooooooooooo

Yeah the no sleep thing was originally a joke because I suck at drawing beds and therefore Mike has never been in contact with a bed in his ENTIRE SERIES until just recently, but that changed thanks to some drawing and I just decided that him finally going to sleep would be some sort of funny character development.

In all honesty, and I know I've told you this before, I have legit no problem with 'sus' stuff as you call it, I just don't post that sort of stuff, or at least at your level lmao.

Also didn't know that they were called panties :oooooooooo /j

I seriously have no clue why I typed underwear instead of panties, I guess I had a brainfart :P

On scratch you used to say Amelia was hawt after she got her new model. Anyway cool drawing.

Dynomike03 responds:

Thanks lol

I can't really see what's happening. Especially in the last panel.

Dynomike03 responds:

Yeauhhh it’s not exactly a quality photo, Imma have to retake it-

An animator who likes to make silly memes and cursed vector art. XD

Age 18, Male (He/Him)

Content Creator

(Currently out of School)

The United States

Joined on 6/18/21

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